Precarious Balance
The art of existence requires us to balance precariously on a tiny fulcrum, swaying gently from side to side. One tiny flick of the butterflies wings, and a cascade of events may transform stability into quicksand. Suddenly we find ourselves drawn into situations we never anticipated.
Perhaps the pendulum draws us away from our loved ones? Perhaps we encounter new ones? Perhaps the darkness of despair embraces us? Perhaps we stumble upon unexpected joys? Perhaps our body betrays us? Perhaps a surprising inner strength will emerge? Perhaps our mask of conformity slips off? Perhaps we learn what honesty truly is, and who we can trust? Perhaps we are more resilient than we expected?
This little ceramic figure is suspended so she balances gracefully upon an aluminium coil. If you poke her gently, she bounces back into place.
40cm x 40cm x 20cm (h)