exotic contemporary art

Migraine Head ceramic bust
Migraine Head: A Stain Upon the Silence Part I
Migraine Head: A Stain Upon the Silence Part I
Migraine Head: A Stain Upon the Silence Part I

Migraine Head: A Stain Upon the Silence Part I

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This is part one of a series where I attempt to articulate the invisible torments that pursue humanity - both physical and emotional.

This brightly coloured beast encapsulates the bizarre experience of migraine. Invisible, yet excruciating, sometimes preceded by a psychedelic aura, and sometimes without. The olfactory senses may become heightened and peculiar odours are detected. Parts of the body and face may become numb, light sensitivity intensifies, and the stomach revolts. Words and thoughts become scrambled into an incoherent cloud.

Migraines manifest in many different ways. Some are crippling and prevent the sufferer from moving, while others may be less acute, but chronic and debilitating in their own way. 

This piece is bisque fired ceramic with acrylic colour applied. 
16 x 15 x 13cm