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Jenga Body

Jenga Body

Regular price $780.00 AUD
Regular price Sale price $780.00 AUD
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I was once told that managing my crazy health issues was like playing a game of jenga. If you nudged one area, there was a good chance another part would slip out of alignment and a series of unexpected events would unfold.

Hypermobility, neurodivergence, autonomic dysfunction, chronic fatigue and a raft of other obscure syndromes means there are plenty of jenga blocks precariously balanced in this old body of mine.

This tortured creature depicts the wobbly connection between my nervous system, spine, jaw, shoulder and eye. It may look a little unnerving, but I assure you, the lived experience is even more bewildering! I must confess there are days when I would dearly love to pluck out my eye.

Having said that, there is nothing more cathartic than channeling my creative energy into strange creatures that express far more than the contents of my medical profile.

37cm x 29cm x 24cm (h) | 1.75kg
Original ceramic, copper and leather creation by Ilia Chidzey.

Due to the limitations of photography and digital inaccuracy, some colours may appear slightly different in the original. Also, due to the nature of some materials used, variation in colour and sheen may occur over time.

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